I would suggest that, before spending a lot of public funds, political capital, and energy promoting democracy abroad, it would be a good idea to define what it means for us right here in Canada. Who gets to define what speech is "free", which political opinions are "acceptable", and what internet discussions should be permitted by governments?

And Global Affairs Canada - which spends hundreds of millions propping up some very unfriendly folks - is hardly the department for this kind of work: https://www.theaudit.ca/p/how-does-unrwa-spend-the-funding

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Very Very good article.

Remember the old saying it takes two to tango . Do you believe that the current Canadian government or any future government in waiting would facilitate this endeavor. If we use recent history as an indicator of Canadian Commitment it would be much promised and far less delivered.

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You’re welcome

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Remember PMJT promotes life imprisonment for hate speech, which seems to be defined as any speech he doesn’t want.

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Oh Mary Mary Mary Mary.


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